what we do

Founded in 1997 and in carrying out its mission, the Saul Zaentz Charitable Foundation™ makes gifts, grants, donations and charitable contributions to public charities for charitable purposes (within the meaning of Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code) that are primarily focused on opportunities for educational advancement.

The Foundation supports programs that assist the homeless, advance early childhood education, improve K-12 graduation rates, provide college scholarships, medical care, shelter and nutrition to the needy, as well as supporting programs to provide assistance for entry into employment opportunities.



The Saul Zaentz Charitable Foundation™ builds on the legacy of three-time Best Picture winner Saul Zaentz’s celebrated career as an independent media entrepreneur. True to Zaentz’s vision, the Foundation is dedicated to improving outcomes for under-represented and vulnerable minority children in the US.

IN SAUL'S MEMORY, We aim to help people live their imagined lives.

The Foundation is deeply committed to creating standards of fairness and a level playing field for those living in poverty and adversity by supporting equal treatment through high quality early childhood learning and improving K-12 and college graduation rates. In this regard, the Foundation supports innovations in scientific teaching methods and best practices.

SZCF President Elliot Steinberg with Saul Zaentz at the Academy Awards when The English Patient was awarded Best Picture